1. 公司主要生產粗效、中效、高效空氣草莓视频APP入口在线和液體草莓视频APP入口在线,並對超純水係統、汙水、高層供水係統的設計安裝提供一條龍服務。
The company mainly produces crude efficiency, in effect, and high efficiency air filters and liquid filters, and ultra-pure water systems, sewage, water supply system for high-level design and installation to provide one-stop service.
2. 本產品由粗效過濾網、風機、靜壓箱、以及高效空氣草莓视频APP入口在线等部分組成,是一種水平層流局部空氣淨化設備。
This product is composed of such parts as coarse filter mesh, wind turbine, static pressure tank as well as high-efficient air filter and is a type of horizontal flow pattern partial purification equipment.
3. 淨化工作台是一種水平流型局部淨化設備,室內空氣經過粗效過濾網後,由低噪音風機壓入靜壓箱,再經高效草莓视频APP入口在线均勻流出,形成潔淨氣流以均勻的風速通過工作區將塵埃帶走,形成高潔淨度工作環境。
HS purification worktable is a kind of horizontal flow pattern partial purification equipments, a super-clean working environment is formed after the indoor air passed the coarse filter mesh and pressed into static pressure tank from low noise wind turbines, then discharge evenly from the high-efficient filter forming a clean air current and entraining dust of the working area at a even wind speed.
4. 為了充分發揮草莓视频APP入口在线的作用,在選用和使用過程中,草莓视频APP入口在线的迎麵風速,粗效、中效草莓视频APP入口在线不應大於2.5m/s,亞高效草莓视频APP入口在线和高效草莓视频APP入口在线不應大於1.5m/s,這樣不僅有利於保證草莓视频APP入口在线的效率,也能延長草莓视频APP入口在线使用壽命,節約成本。
In order to give full play to the role of filters in the selection and use of the process, the filter head-on wind speed, coarse efficiency, the efficiency filters should not be greater than 2.5m/s, sub-high efficiency filters and high efficiency filters should not be greater than 1.5 m/s, which is not only conducive to ensuring Instrument Manifolds the efficiency of filters can also be extended filter life and cost savings.
5. 根據這些結果,以我國南北方兩典型內陸城市為例,模擬了空調係統使用粗效草莓视频APP入口在线時室內粒子濃度的變化,指出以大顆粒汙染為主的北方城市更適合采用頂送風氣流,而以小粒子汙染為主的南方城市,送風方向對室內濃度無明顯影響。
When low-efficiency air filters are used in air handing units, the variations of indoor aerosol concentrations are simulated in two typical cities, which located in northern and southern of China, respectively.
6. 筆者參考國內外草莓视频APP入口在线檢測標準,提出將兩套檢測係統合二為一並采用計徑計數法檢測草莓视频APP入口在线效率的設想,並研製了一套能夠檢測粗效至高效各類空氣草莓视频APP入口在线的自動檢測係統,試驗驗證
The method is easy to use and can be automatically operated, and the examining result is more reliable. air filter, particle sizing and counting method, efficiency examining, data collection
7. 分析結果表明,機組粗效草莓视频APP入口在线對微生物的去除效果,細菌優於真菌;空氣處理機組內部本身有真菌滋生,真菌濃度最大時達到200.3 cfu/皿,係統微生物汙染可導致送風空氣質量的下降;微生物濃度與相對濕度具有顯著的正相關性;空調機組的真菌優勢菌屬是青黴屬、曲黴屬和枝孢黴屬。
Keywords microbe, air conditioning system, temperature, relative humidity